• Post category:Réserve du Mono
  • Dernière modification de la publication :15 septembre 2019

Benin’s Government Action Plan 2016-2021 highlights coastal and nature-based tourism as potential growth areas. Whale and dolphin-watching operations can help achieve these targets, with activities already underway in the marine protected area Bouche du Roy of the Mono Biosphere Reserve MAB UNESCO leaded by Eco-Benin NGO in collaboration with municipalities of Grand-Popo and Comé in South West of Benin.


  1. Raising awarness among local fishermen ;
  2. Promoting whale and dolphin-watching as coastal ecotourism action ;
  3. Improving fishing practices, marine biodiversity monitoring and surveillance ;
  4. Advocating for real protection of marine biodiversity;
  5. Supporting the establishment of the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary.

Save the cetaceans at the Mono Biosphere Reserve MAB UNESCO
Save the cetaceans at the Mono Biosphere Reserve MAB UNESCO