Eco-Benin, «Benin Ecotourism Concern», a développé dans quelques localités des exemples d’appui à la structuration de micro‐entreprises communautaires.
Eco-Benin travaille avec des organismes internationaux de développement pour permettre l’autonomie de gestion des activités écotouristiques aux communautés locales. Comme exemple, Eco-Benin a accompagné la création d’initiatives d’écotourisme communautaire à Tanongou, Possotomé, Koussoukoingou, Alfakoara, etc. Aujourd’hui certaines de ces associations fonctionnement comme des micro-entreprises villageoises. Elles sont entièrement autonomes et prennent des initiatives de développement comme la construction d’un écolodge en cours à Koussoukoingou, l’extension des cases de logement chez l’habitant à Tanongou.

Travolution is the world's platform for bringing together travellers with local communities around the world. As a network of communities, volunteers and travellers we are increasing awareness of tourism as a tool for sustainable development.

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When a poacher becomes an eco-guide

In 2007, the village of Tanongou in Benin, became an eco-village. Since that time, the life of Kevin has changed. Kevin is 31. On each side of his face, there is a scar – the mark of his tribe, the Gourmantché. “It is a way to say that we are from this land and that we are different from the others.”

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The story of the reluctant fisherman

Lucien was born at Ahémé’s lake, which is surrounded by fishermen villages. When he was a child, he followed his father in the pirogue. “At the age of eight, my papa gave me my first net – a small net, which make me feel as a strong fisherman.”

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